Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tough Mudder Symbolizes Life's Adventure

I've been in love with challenge courses, but the ultimate big daddy is Tough Mudder.

Tough Mudder, to me, symbolizes life - extreme, full of crazy obstacles, some times you sweat and others you freeze, you may be in over your head and loose your grip, but if you surround yourself with solid-minded, inspirational, entertaining, high-achieving, supportive people, you’ll not only enjoy the journey, but you’ll come out on top. I crave the challenge and I’m not afraid to get dirty. My personality and drive perfectly fits the Tough Mudder Credo and I can't tell you how excited I get when I see a fellow Mudder proudly wearing the TM threads!

I’m currently surrounded by the youthful embrace of individualism and teamwork, a lot like my experience of Tough Mudder. It’s absolutely true that the eclectic and electric environment is a lifestyle. I’ve worked in stuffy environments, and who gets excited to wake up and go to that? I love to work with people who are driven and charismatic that may either love what I love or introduce me to new things. I believe a life surrounded by people who not only challenge you to go outside your comfort zone, but also support your endeavors is essential to a life of fun and fulfillment.

Protecting this type of environment is so important because it allows open minds, creative thinking, and bold moves. Giving people a platform to share ideas and own them, gives them the power to shine, but also helps the company to succeed. Individually, we can achieve what we set our minds to, but with the force of many heads together, a small idea can become reality and beyond. I fully embrace this lifestyle with flare and vigor.

Tough Mudder is my IV, shooting me up with essential elements of excitement, challenges and an exhilarating story to tell.

Live tough by boldly challenging status quo.

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