Thursday, November 11, 2010

Craving Mental Stimulation

Pandora current song: Only Hope, Switchfoot

The last few weeks have made me realize why I NEED to go back to school. Since graduation, I haven’t had to use my noggin as much as I used to. I’ve been working in areas I am good at and have excelled greatly. Yet, my recent projects haven’t been easy. I’ve created and implemented political events, helped sign multimillion dollar leases, morphed an old building into a residence hall, built a positive cash-flow company and managed from the ground up, developed a position for myself within the university and furthermore designed a new position to expand student involvement on campus.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The surprising truth about what motivates us

This may be 10 minutes long, but I promise you'll enjoy this! What a great way to scrunch in A LOT of awesome information!

Live boldly challenging status quo!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Helping Others By Telling Your Story

I think the most humble and selfless act in life is to tell your story to help others. Whether that's to express the pain you went through to hopefully save others or enable those who've been through the same thing to feel like they aren't alone, that is true character.

A friend of mine, Matt Pipkin, was sexually assaulted when he was 5 years old. Just a child. A young boy. Many of you could never imagine such pain and suffering to hold something like that in for years and years. I can't even imagine it myself. However, he was finally able to open up about it two years ago and is doing really well!

The reason I'm writing about this is that he's flying for AT LEAST 65 days WITHOUT landing (world record) and somehow conned his dad to fly with him. Bathrooms and showers? Well, even I have no idea how that will work. The cool and most important part about this is the national platform he's flying for: childhood sexual abuse. 1 in 3 young girls and 1 in 6 young boys have been sexually assaulted prior to the age of 18. It's a serious problem and Matt has taken it upon himself to raise awareness to show others that if it happened to them, it's not their fault.

But he needs your help!! Share his story on facebook, twitter, to your family and friends. Watch him on the Today Show, follow his story as it unfolds. It's such an inspiring story and I want you all to get engaged!

The easiest thing for you to do is spread the word! If you feel so inclined to help financially, that would be amazing as well! He has 53 days left and needs to raise $50K. Every dollar counts!

Of course, I can't give justice to his story. Watch this short presentation to hear his story in his own words!

So get excited and help stop this national tragedy!

Visit for more information.

Matt Pipkin

Twitter: @commit65 and @themattpipkin

Facebook: search “Commit 65”

Matt's email:

Matt is Boldly Challenging Status Quo. How about you?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Semiotics of Advertising

Pandora current song: Some hearts, Carrie Underwood

Let's dive into what ads really try to tell us. This is something I worked on in college and thought it was interesting enough to post. Enjoy!

Simply stated, DKNY is the energy and spirit of New York. International, eclectic, fun, fast and real. DKNY addresses the real-life needs of people everywhere, from work to weekend, jeans to evening. Both fashionable and friendly, DKNY consistently delivers its unique mix of style around the world. The mission of the Donna Karan Company, as a design driven company, is to represent the international pulse of New York in the design, marketing and delivery of a complete lifestyle system to a global customer. We will apply the highest standards of creativity, integrity, quality and innovation to our products and concepts.

Jeans - US - February 2006 - In a Daily News Record report, one DKNY (Donna Karan New York) sales executive explained, “We’re moving away from rips and tears and holes. The trend is toward more-subtle embellishments—such as back-pocket embroidery.”

Why do we do the crazy things we do?

Pandora current song: Breathe In, Frou Frou

Self-presentation and perception. This is a major theme of thought in peoples’ minds whether directly or indirectly. What we do, how we do it, what we wear, what we say is all a part of identity for ourselves in others’ minds. It is in our culture to come up with excuses for things done wrong. Who wants to take the blame and be the dimwit who made the mistake, especially if it wasn’t even our fault? Humility and honor is a characteristic we put on the shelf when we really need it most. Yet, it is good for our identity to admit mistakes and show our vulnerability. Actions we take also account for our impression on others. If we trip on a root or stumble as we walk, we look back, say “Oops,” laugh it off, and then keep walking. If we didn’t look back, people would think we were strange. Another example is when we forget things. We start walking to our destination and when we remember what we forgot, we snap our fingers, and say, “Oh crap,” or other choice words. If you just saw someone walk by and then all of a sudden turn around in the opposite direction without any indication of a mistake, again we would think something was strange about that person. In both instances, people most likely are not paying that close attention to you, but ultimately we are all observant people. If something out of the norm occurs, our eyes follow that.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Take on Social Media

Pandora current song: Just a Dream, Nelly

What is social media?

Social media has infiltrated our lives and taken over the way we communicate information. It has become grossly popular with highly accessible techniques and spread virally through multiple channels at once. It’s free, extremely easy to use, and it’s reach is endless. It’s completely revolutionizing the way we do business. Free, easy, endless. You can’t beat that.

We as consumers are starting to genuinely trust third-party content far more than corporate-produced content. This means we look to other consumers for their advice more than going to a corporate website for their highly sculpted, one-sided story. Social media is “people-powered advertising.” Real people transforming real messages to other real people. It “seems” less invasive and more acceptable. The old saying “keep personal out of business” is long gone. We are naturally social butterflies and want people to enjoy and experience what we like and love. But the social interaction comes as a multi-way street with endless means to spread the word whether it’s Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, blogging, Twitter, or any other social sharing. Social media can interlock everything we do, so be careful how you use it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

How are You Dealing with Change?

Pandora current song: Praying for Daylight, The Fray

How are you dealing with change?

On Wednesday, Sept 22 I took the NCTA student senate leadership to a conference in Lincoln, NE. Why, you ask? Well, even if you don’t care, let me tell you.

Back at WSU, I was a part of the Services and Activities (S and A) Fees committee where we allocated over $7M to organizations on campus to broaden their reach or event success for an overall better student experience. The money came from fees charged within the student’s tuition. When I came to NCTA, there was no help from the college for organizations and no way for new ones to start.

I was appointed at the Student Union manager with over $60K in funds available to it for student activities, maintenance, and salaries. I decided this would be a great opportunity to utilize the funds to bring fun entertainment as well as allocate funds back to the students. Why not?

I took everything I knew and created the same kind of committee on this campus with three staff members and seven student members. The committee has to be heavily student weighed because the students need to decide what they feel is important for the entire student body. Old farts like us as staff don’t necessarily “know” what they want.

Anyway, all student organizations who wanted money had to send student representatives to present what and why they wanted the funds. Student senate requested funds to attend a leadership conference for their leadership. So long story short, that’s why we ended up in Lincoln.

The keynote speaker was Gary Bradt, who is an endorsed business speaker who has spent 20 years consulting the nation’s senior business leaders, advising them on how to thrive in the constant change that takes place in today’s business world.

Read on because I promise you’ll be inspired.

My Adventurous Bucket List

Pandora current song: It's My Life, Bon Jovi

(in no particular order)

  1. Run more half marathons 
  2. Sky dive 
  3. Bungee jump off something tall 
  4. Learn how to rock climb better 
  5. White water raft a crazy river 
  6. Ride the tallest roller coaster 
  7. Ride the fastest roller coaster 
  8. Watch a NY Broadway show 
  9. See the Lion King on Broadway in NY 
  10. Swim with dolphins 
  11. Swim with sting rays 
  12. Swim with sharks 
  13. Climb/hike to the top of a mountain 
  14. Go on a cruise 
  15. Hike the Appalachian Trail 
  16. Cycle through Provence 
  17. Climb Machu Picchu 
  18. Swim in the Great Barrier Reef 
  19. Bike the Golden Gate Bridge 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What really matters in life

I was asked to write what I would want to tell young ones I loved, if I only had two minutes to live. Since I love you all, I'll share it with you...

What really matters in life is that you take chances. Don't ever settle. Ever. You have so much to offer in this world even if you don't believe it. Find others who don't believe in themselves and make them believe that they matter. Be selfless. The more you look out for others the better you'll feel about yourself. Be humble. It's the hardest thing to do, but do it. Be the first to say you're sorry, even if it's not your fault. Make sure you spend time with family. You may not think it matters to them that you are present for a football game or choir concert, but when you aren't around any more they will appreciate the time you took to be with them. Leave a legacy that inspires others.

If you had minutes left in your life, what would you say? 

Friday, September 24, 2010

What was I thinking?

Pandora current song: She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

In my summer blogs, I mentioned I was pursuing a job as a recruiter for Washington State University. I was trying to find something I could hold on to. Something solid. My life is ever consumed with uncertainty. I’ve been blessed with a life full experiences I’ve either forced on myself or have been lucky to be a part of. Yet, there’s still something missing. The satisfaction of accomplishing something, whether for a greater good or for those that need a push to start their own adventure, doesn’t ever seem to ever be completely fulfilled. Is it because I’m alone and don’t have someone to share it with? Maybe. Is it the fact that I am unsure of my future? Absolutely. Or what about the instability of the present? Sure. How about all of the above, plus trying to put a smile on my face so I can create and explore new opportunities for my students so they can get the most out of their college year? Shall I keep going?

Best Summer Ever Part Four of Four: The Month of August

Pandora current song: Fire and Rain by Mat Kearney

Out at the beach in front of our condo.
The last hoorah. Two weeks left until I had to go back to Nebraska. The first week of August was consumed with work, helping mom in the yard, more running and reflecting on what I wanted to do with my life.

A great addition to my summer was spent with an “Amazon-bound” friend, Brett
Standing by the beach!
Buckingham. I hadn’t seen him either since high school so we dined on sushi and chatted for hours. I didn’t realize how much we had in common!

Aloha Kauai! Mom, Dad, Ashley and I all went to Kauai for a week of fun in the sun and hopefully only minimal Kauai rain. Kauai is home to the wettest location in the world, so consequently, the surrounding areas also get quite a load of rain per year. We stayed at a timeshare condo in Kapaa, east Kauai, on the beach front with a 5-mile boardwalk. Of course with our luck, Kauai was in the middle of their rainiest summer season in years. Go figure. However, we still saw the pristine beaches, bountiful vegetation, ate great food, and visited Kauai’s hidden gems.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Best Summer Ever Part Three: The Month of July

Pandora current song: Would You Go With Me by Death Cab For Cutties

The month of July was probably the biggest adventure by far. I loved seeing my friends, but July brought new accomplishments and lots of family time. To start the month off, I again ran a lot as my half marathon was nearing ever so quickly.

The view from my Papa's house.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Best Summer Ever Part Two: The Month of June

Pandora current song: Prayin’ For Daylight by Rascal Flatts

Me & Lace at a Diamond Backs game
this summer.
June still seemed like the beginning of my summer, but it was the last month I spent in the beautiful state of Washington. So what did I do? Read on! Duh.

One of my favorite memories with Lacey was sleeping out on the trampoline at night. Once I got home from Phoenix, my dog and I listened to the frogs and looked out at the stars for a wonderful night outside on our trampoline. Since we live on 10 acres away from town, sleeping outside at our house seems like you’re sleeping in the middle of nowhere. Granted, I didn’t have my best friend with me, but the experience brought back a lot of memories. I did end up with a visitor that walked around the woods around me, but I fell asleep before I could figure out what it was. Maybe a deer, maybe a coyote, maybe a raccoon. Who knows.

The Best Summer Ever Part One: The Month of May

Pandora current song: Realize by Colbie Caillat

What a summer. After spending 10 months in Nebraska without my closest friends, family, and sense of adventure, I was ready for a change in pace. Every summer since high school, I worked in Central Washington away from my family. Since college, I’ve lived in Central Washington, Dallas, and now Nebraska with little time at home. This may sound strange, but when I’m home, I love fishing with my dad, mowing the lawn, working in the yard with my mom, and any other project around the house they’re working on. I enjoy tackling projects with them so they don’t have to do it alone, but also the gratification of accomplishing a task, especially with people I love, is beyond comparison.

May 6. NCTA graduation and ground breaking for the new buildings. The day took forever to finish. I gave my boss’, George Garlick, speech as he was unable to make it to Nebraska. Remind me never again to wear a flowing skirt in windy Nebraska while I try to focus on inspiring others to never forget where they came from NOR four inch stilettos when I have to shovel dirt for a ground breaking ceremony. At least I was able to bring humor by saying I was doing my part by aerating the lawn.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What's next in my life?

Pandora current song: Imma Be, by Black Eyed Peas

What do I want to do with the rest of my life? The fear of the unknown has haunted me since I switch out of veterinary medicine junior year of college. At least with that, hard work and extensive years in school would have assured me of a job in a solid field. With this crummy economy, a communications/advertising degree is worthless. Most companies in the mysterious, artistic world of communications are not hiring. Many classmates are stuck working in temporary jobs and/or living at home to await their future fates. Thankfully, I have a solid job in the crazy world of real-estate management and collegiate student involvement. Unfortunately for me, the location will never satisfy me for so many reasons. The people I converse with are kind and genuine, but I truly miss the city life with endless activities, outings with friends my age, and exciting outdoor excursions. Living in the city is never boring and even in a city where people live in close quarters, there are always places to go to find your peace of mind.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Bull's Balls

Pandora current song: Desecration Smile by Red Hot Chilly Peppers

You may think this will be about some proprietary person whose obligations require intense armor. You may also conclude someone had the “balls” to act upon a strenuous need. Well, to an extent, both are right, but the title is meant for more literal terms.

A few weekends ago I went to Bruning, NE for a branding event. I do have to preface that I’ve helped a sorority friend of mine at her ranch in Idaho a few years ago. We used a chute to tattoo and vaccinate, and in agriculture class during high school, we castrated as well. So needless to say, I wasn’t TOO naive to what may unfold, but I still had no idea what a “branding” was all about.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Art of Persuasion

Pandora current song: Sway, Michael Bublé

Every day an overwhelming amount of information surrounds every one of us and we are somehow supposed to process it all. Persuasion occurs constantly and the more we understand it, the more we can learn to accept it or deny it. Persuasion is influential in changing the world and our society as it dominates our lives. The choice is yours. With a wide range of awareness in the study of persuasion, you can improve your skills in communicating as well as become a great receiver to be successful in today’s world. There are many different theories and concepts of persuasion and even though this may not be a personal blog about my crazy life, it’s still important to know and utilize. So how can you better grasp a few essential elements in persuading? Read on.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To be good or to be bad - that is the ethical question

Pandora current song: I Go Back, by Kenny Chesney

Ethics play a big role in every decision people make on a daily basis. They are principles and morals that govern the appropriate conduct of an individual or group. Throughout my life, I’ve been a prime target for others to harass me based on my leadership techniques. Honestly, I should be used to it, but I am also one who HATES it when others are frustrated with me. I do everything in my power to make everyone else happy before I ever care to worry about myself. Sure I get run over in the process, which is probably why I’m an easy target with my submissive personality waving the white flag.

I know a lot of you who know me are thinking, “no way is she submissive. She sticks to her opinions and no one can come close to blasting those walls down.” I never said I wasn’t stubborn. However, I also have learned to pick my battles and only stick up for issues that mean something to me or for the greater good of a community or even more, the world.

Like I said before, I always loved my sorority, but it didn’t always love me back. The ethical climate would have received low marks during certain “reins” throughout my time on campus. People in power abused it by making decisions they shouldn’t have, but also belittled those they didn’t particularly like. Sounds petty, but true. However, we see it in everyday life. Those with power or titles use it to their advantage and screw the “peons” in the process, while they gain more and more.

One semester in my sorority, I was taken aside almost every week to be down graded and nit picked for every weakness or fault. It was humiliating and frustrating. Want to know why? Well let me tell you...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Don't assume

Pandora current song: Amber, by 311

“The challenge of leadership is coming to a common purpose from the vast differences that individuals bring to a situation. Finding the purpose, vision, and common commitments that create a ‘we’ from a group of individuals is the challenge of a community” (Exploring Leadership 139). Life throws challenges at us every move or decision we make. No one ever said it would be easy; it’s just how you deal with what life sets forth in front of you.

Gender is a black and white topic of how people are viewed. Or is it? For instance, when I first walked into our leadership class, people judged me for being 1. Being a Tri Delta and sorority girl 2. Somewhat attractive 3. Blonde and 4. Confident. A classmate of mine said exactly those words. He thought I was going to be a cocky piece of work who he wouldn’t be able to get along with because I was "one who thought she knew everything because things are always handed to me on a golden platter." Little did he know I was far from a snotty, stereotypical, sorority girl.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

With winning in mind

Pandora current song: It's The Only One You've Got, by 3 Doors Down

With Winning in Mind, by Lanny Bassham, takes readers through a mental management journey. Most people don’t realize that mentally managing the game of life will make them more successful as well as those around them.

It doesn’t matter if you win or lose – until you lose!

Some people say that they never win at anything and that everyone else is more privileged because they are good at everything. For those people, they just haven’t found what they are good at yet. Maybe that person is always trying to be good at what everyone else thinks people should be good at. For example, football and baseball are two major spots that guys love to play and be good at. There are also guys who try so hard to be good at the sport but are never successful. To develop self-confidence, one needs to find something that they are confident in; something that boosts their confidence like art, a different sport, etc.

People lose due to poor mental management. It takes years of training or constant practice to learn how to cope with mental stress. After a person achieves this, he is confident and in control, have a different mentality and better self-image, and better attitudes and habits. People who a experts at mental management develop a system to control mental aspects of performance and, as a result, winning becomes a habit.

My way or the highway, or sure used to be!

Pandora current song: Downtown Song, by Anberlin

David Hoopes’ model about cultural competency illustrates the development of cultural competency in everyone of us. I can also use it to examine my own development as a leader as it’s a great model to ‘step inside’ yourself.  Truthfully, I was once in the ethnocentrism stage for a large amount of my growing up. Ethnocentricity is a state of relying on your own and only your own, paradigms. It was my way or the highway. It was when I had a few wake up calls where I realized there are other ways besides my own. We all develop into the people we become through our different experiences and hopefully we learn to become progressive, positive responders to situations than we used to be in our younger years.  I believe that I am at the end stages now, but it sure wasn't always the case.

One wakeup call was none other than cheerleading. To begin with, I used to be the quiet girl in the classroom that was only “known” to my best friend and a few acquaintances. Other than that, I had no outside school social life. Now I realize how ridiculous that sounds, but like I said in earlier posts, I didn't know who I really wanted to be.  In 9th grade, I was ready for a change. I wanted to be a part of something in school so I was not just another girl at school. I decided to try out for the cheer team. I can promise you that I looked like the biggest hooligan with no prior dancing experience, but I had wanted it so badly.

In tenth grade, I was back on the bottom of the totem pole. I went to the state’s biggest school, South Kitsap High School, so of course I was intimidated. However, I had promised myself that I would be involved. I was in ASB, 4-H, Key Club, FFA, Tennis, and cheer, among other things. Like junior high cheer, I was not very good to start with, but my drive and dedication would not let me give up. I ended up making the team after three tryouts. I ended up on varsity cheer my senior year and was so dedicated to it, that I missed out on a German exchange opportunity to go back to Germany for the summer. I was distraught, but I couldn’t leave my team. I can always go to Germany, but I can never relive my senior year in high school.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Higher education empowers effective leadership

Pandora current song: Kryptonite, by 3 Doors Down

Higher education is the major developer of leaders in today’s society. Legacies are what people strive for acting as change-agents of his/her college campus as well as later in life. Social change will not happen without people striving to make a difference. One person can shock the status quo, but a group can blast through barriers while cultivating a quality environment and encouraging each other. Leadership is rooted in virtually any individual. It may take encouragement or opportunity, but I promise the “leader” bud is waiting to bloom if you let it. Leadership holds the key to transforming any project, student, campus, and community, and ultimately the world.

Effective leadership is an essential ingredient of positive social change. But what is the extent of effective leadership? Effective leadership can be defined as leadership that effects change. Duh, right? Some changes are for the better and some are not. People could argue that Hitler was a great leader as he rose to the top and got Germany to rally with him and his beliefs and they followed. After he knew he had control, he used it for destruction and we all know where that led. He caused change in thought and actions. An effective leader is one who people trust, hopefully for the betterment of the whole, who set goals and utilizes the group to achieve them.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life Revolving Around Rumors

Pandora current song: How to Save a Life, by The Fray

Rumors are a dirty game. Rumors can lie, cheat and steal someone’s life and those who start them, lose out too. Sometimes they’re based on stereotype and then stories just seem to flourish. Even stereotypes are a bad way to think you “know” someone. Granted we all use them on a daily basis, otherwise it would take too long to understand every miniscule piece of information that’s passed through our eyes to our brains. But rumors have an even worse connotation.

I’m sure rumors have been started about you, so how’d you feel? Like scum on the bottom of a sink drain, right? So why do people find joy in passing rumors. Sometimes it’s due to jealous feelings regarding something they don’t have or something they wish they didn’t. Sometimes it’s due to overcompensating a true story. However it starts, it’s gossip that’s usually a mixture of truth and untruth. Most people don’t take the time to figure out what’s true or not and just believe it all as fact.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Difficult Lesson of Learning to Accept Differences

Pandora current song: Variations, by David Nevue

Opposites tend to fascinate us because they add variety to life and pull us from our comfortable rut of familiarity. Opposites stretch us beyond ourselves, forcing us to broaden our horizons and provide opportunities for growth. It’s from them that we learn our most difficult lessons. They expose us to thoughts, feelings, and experiences that are foreign to us. So why don't we accept people who are "different" from us more often?

I once had a student who asked me why he did things so differently. “Will things fall slowly into place and make me the best man I can be for I have not been influenced by the words and actions of others who are unaware that they may be living the standard prepackaged life that has been put upon by them by some influence? Or am I stubborn, stupid and blind for that is how life is suppose to be lived and happiness can only be achieved not by dreaming but by doing what we should do and not what we were born to do?”

Student activism

Pandora current song: Yellow, by Coldplay

I’ve always believed in involvement no matter where I live, but especially when I was in school. I miss the easy opportunities, and can’t wait to dive right back into them when I go for my MBA in Aug 2011. Being involved gives people a sense of ownership, uniting for a cause or purpose. Creating and upholding traditions while passionately leading and following for that cause. It could be a sorority, a team, a society, organization, work place, institution, or charity. Caring about the outcome and celebrating the successes, even if minute one, can give a person a reason to grow and learn.

Earlier this year, I gave our students a platform to create a forum to ban together to voice their opinions about operations at our school. They didn’t seem to be heard previously, so I thought I would make sure they were. A student meeting where no administration, besides myself, were present to talk openly and honestly. There weren’t any subjects off limits and I wanted them to be as candid as a Kodak moment.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Leadership: Who’s got it? Who’s willing to step up to the plate? You all can. Even in just little ways.

Pandora current song: Dare You to Move, by Switchfoot

What is leadership? This question is widely talked about, yet widely confusing. Not one style is effective for every situation life throws at us. Some people believe leaders are born and others think leaders are made. There is a love-hate relationship between leaders and followers. Some people think leaders are elitists, manipulative, or bigheaded. People want self-confident leaders, but leaders who have at least a little self-doubt. But, how do leaders actually lead? Better yet, how do we assess how well they lead? People also want leaders who are good listeners and who represent their constituents. A person may be an outstanding leader here, but fail there. People expect their leaders to be “perfect,” so when they mess up, or fail, people feel let down.

Leaders possess many things including traits, behaviors, and their histories. At first, researchers thought those who became leaders were different from those who remained followers. However, there was no such pattern. Different people can handle different situations better than others. Personal and situational characteristics should be considered when examining a person’s leadership and capabilities. “Training provides the leader with knowledge, procedures, and techniques which increase his or her sense of control over the group’s task activities” (Wren 87). Personal histories teach new and better ways of approaching situations in the future. It just depends on how open people are to making those changes.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a very different leader in many ways. He didn’t want people remembering him for his accomplishments, but for his purpose in life. “He was a profound and provocative speaker” who was full of self-doubts, and keenly aware of his own limitations and human weaknesses (Wren 320). He willingly risked his popularity among blacks through his steadfast advocacy of nonviolent strategies to achieve radical social change. He didn’t care what people thought of him, as long as in the long run, his efforts where worth his cause. The way he is portrayed in most history books is that he was self-confident and full of leadership and the power to make change. Further research shows how human he really was and not as God-like as people try to describe him. “King’s success as a leader was based on his intellectual and moral cogency and his skill as a conciliator among movement activists who refused to be simply King’s ‘followers’ (Wren 322). His wide range of skills and attributes prepared him for what was to come at him. Persuasive speaking wasn’t a bad quality either. His encouragement and struggles gave people someone who was just like themselves to count on. He offered optimistic belief that ordinary people can collectively improve their own lives.

Personally, I would love to be more like MLK. I try to show how capable I am when really I should be just doing my job and doing the best I can without caring what other people think. A lot of times I think my way is the best way, but some people are great at one thing and worse at others. Good leadership improves outcomes when people work together for a common cause and use each others’ strengths to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If we stay together, we survive; apart we fall.

Pandora current song: California, by Phantom Planet

This has either been a very common motto for many companies or hidden in a purpose. Leadership coincides with many different aspects of life. The organizational and succession side of leadership has become very important and will continue in the future. “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” (Albert Einstein). For those who do nothing, their companies, either large or small, will fail. There are many strategies for preventing this from happening including organization and succession techniques.

Since the world we live in is ever-changing and rapidly continues to advance, leaders need to be constantly rethinking what they do, what their purpose is, and best define goals and objectives. Goals are the core to any business or franchise. Without them, there is no basis for people to work off of. Behaviors come next followed by artifacts and symbols. The organizational handout explains that shared basic assumptions that a group learned as it solved its problems and have worked well together, need to teach new members the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems, or even successes in other cases.

Stick Up for What YOU Believe In

Pandora current song: Butterflies and Hurricanes, by Muse

This is a long one, but it’s my favorite so far. When you get time, read on!

I love movies. I love them so much that I have 3 DVD binders full of them and counting. Ever since I moved into my own apartment after sorority life, I haven't had cable TV. I was never home during school and that's still the case for work. Online TV has been a savior for sure. I do miss news in the morning and night, but that's what Twitter and homepage widgets are for.

What can you learn from a movie?

I actually did a study in college about movies and leadership, but I didn't continue as much as I should have. (Sorry Connan!) But I did do a few speeches to student leadership groups about Remember the Titans. Remember the Titans (RTT) is by far my favorite movie out there. It’s a great model of leadership, teamwork and victory, and I’ve seen it more times than any other movie combined.

For a little refresher course, RTT is based on a true story about the coming of society and the integration of two high schools – one black, one white. Tensions arise when players of the different racial high schools are forced to play together. Many of the frustrations are put at ease during training camp, but when they return home, turmoil boils up again.

So let me share with you a few things I spoke about...

One of Life’s Tough Adventures

Pandora current song: Fat Bottomed Girls, by Queen

Communication. Some people are really good at expressing their feelings and others aren’t. Some people aren’t afraid to tell you wants on their mind, while others hold it in. Some people have a few ticks up their sleeve to mask their fright of communicating issues, while others overcompensate.

This is something I'm still learning too. I usually try to make everyone else happy by steering clear of confrontation. This blew up in my face two summers ago when I was working for someone I used to trust and appreciate. She could be one of the top 10 best manipulators in the world, and she knew it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

One of the Greatest Men I’ve Ever Known, Besides my Dad

Pandora current song: Wherever You Will Go, by The Calling

George F. Garlick is a man of principle and moral values. He grew up having just barely enough money. At an early age, he became the sole provider for the family. An incredibly talented and brilliant man, George received his bachelor’s degree at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, master’s degree from the University of Southern California in 1960, and doctorate from Iowa State University in 1962. George is the founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Holosonic, Inc., founded in 1969. He is also the President and Founder/Partner of Garlick Enterprises, Inc., Holographic Engineering LLC, Stevens Center Business Park and Advanced Imaging Technology, which was selected as the best new radiology company by the 80,000 member Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) in 2002.

The little town of Curtis

Pandora current song: Grey Street, by Dave Matthews Band 

OK. So I feel like I didn't give the little town of Curtis justice. Yes, it's hard for me to live here with nothing but work to do, but when I'm really honest with myself, it has a lot to offer.

I used to drive through little towns, like Washtucna, WA, on my way to school and I thought nothing of them. Now living in one of those small farming and ranching towns, I've come to understand what they are really about.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bashelf: My little/big sister

Pandora current song: Black Balloon, by The Goo Goo Dolls

So you may have been thinking, "Britni hasn't talked about her sister...not even once yet!" Well, that's because I was waiting to write a whole post on her. She's my younger, taller sister who will turn 21 on March 10, 1010 and I'm bummed I'll miss her big day.

What's Bashelf you ask? Well, when I was little, I couldn't pronounce her middle name, Michelle. For some reason, the name has stuck with her and will for the rest of her life. It truly made me smile when she put "Bashelf" on her high school sports gear as her name, instead of Ashley.

Friday, March 5, 2010

So you're in Curtis...doing what?

Pandora current song: What I've Done, by Linkin Park

Why the heck am I in Curtis? I ask myself that almost every day. I moved from Dallas, TX to Curtis, NE. Does anyone actually know where that is?

Well, we have 791 people where the closest 23K town is 50 miles away and the nearest "city" is about 5 hours away (Denver, CO).

I went from having a life in work, friends, and church, to a life of work, work and more work. I'm not one to gamble, drink, or party. My friends are the friends George Garlick, my boss, had from going to school here...over 50 years ago. Don’t get me wrong though. The older folks are the most genuine and kind people I’ve ever met and I constantly learn from them every time I’m around them. My students are my entertainment. They visit my office to talk, get homework help, get advice, and whatever else they need. Other than that, I stick to my office or my apartment out in the country a few miles south of town.

In the beginning...

Pandora current song: Cry Baby Cry, by The Beattles

Hello friends,

I've finally decided to write my blog. Didn't know what to write, but I think I've got it! My daily challenges, empowerment, obstacles, mentoring, living, loving, and everything in between.

As for me, I'm not your every day girl. Yeah I wake up every morning wishing I were thinner, prettier, wiser, taller, blah blah blah. But what really matters is the way I live my life, my decisions and the opportunities that I've been able to partake in at a young age.

Here's a "little" background...